Parents Day to Pickup Children’s Belongings & I Want to Be Medals
Dear Junior & Thumbelina Parents,
As we all know the remainder of the school year has unfortunately been canceled. We are having a pick-up day for all of your child’s belongings. Children from Thumbelina have extra clothes, diapers, sheets, etc and Junior students will receive their mini Olympic, shirt, cup, and medal they earned practicing for the mini Olympics. I am afraid to give our Thumbelina children a medal with a metal chain, they will get theirs next year. They definitely deserve everything we can give them! Also, any medication we have for your child will be returned.
Thumbelina Parents: – Please enter through the outside door of Rainbow Room 7, go up the stairs, and then exit through the Kids way door. All Thumbelina Parents please arrive Tuesday, May 12th between 12 pm and 1 pm
Junior Parents: – Please enter through the gym door on the parking lot side and exit towards the playground door. Go to the blue top area to pick up the “I Want to Be” medal with Mrs. Brophy
*Pickup Dates – Tuesday, May 12th
Junior Sessions (M,W,F ) from 10:00am to 11:00am
Junior Sessions (T,Th ) from 11:00am to 12:00pm
If you have both a Thumbelina and a Junior child as well – please come during the designated Thumbelina date and time to pick up all belongings
Please remember to use social distancing, this should only take a few minutes.
See you with my Wonder Woman mask on.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding
Mrs. Brophy