2024 Thank You Letters

2024 Thank You Letters

Selected June 2024 Tom Thumb Thank You Letters

The following are a few Thank-You letters received from parents for the 2023-2024 academic school year. We apologize for the many letters and thank-you notes from parents that we have received and couldn’t be published on our website.

Thank You All for your wonderful comments about our school. I especially appreciate your support and kind words for our excellent staff of caring professional educators, who continue to make Tom Thumb Preschool the best private pre-K school in the area.

Love & Appreciation,

Nancy Brophy

Letter to Tom Thumb

letter to tom thumbDear Tom Thumb,

This is a note from a grateful mom whose son, Ayan Nadeem, has thrived and blossomed during his time at Tom Thumb.

Ayan started his journey at Tom Thumb in the 3’s program with the wonderful Mrs. Licini and Mrs. Tracy who helped him tremendously and taught him a great deal. This was his first rodeo outside of home and we had our fair share of trials and tribulations. However, with the support of all the staff, teachers and Nancy Brophy, we were able to help Ayan grow while learning a great deal. This was a testing year for all of us but by the end of the year, Ayan was a confident preschooler who loved Tom Thumb, his teacher and peers. We were concerned if Ayan would be able to handle summer camp without the support of a teacher, but he had been prepared all year and he showed that he was ready to be on his own and enjoyed all the activities thoroughly.

Next came pre-k, which felt like a big step forward. This was the year Ayan showed tremendous progress and growth. Under the incredible and amazing Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Sansotta, Ayan thrived and became the independent little boy who always wanted to be the line leader. I can’t express enough gratitude that I have felt during the parent teacher meeting and generally about Ayan’s progress, both socially and academically. Ayan went from a shy boy who enjoyed playing alongside to leading play with his peers and enjoying every minute of it. The friendships that he has built with his classmates have been so joyful to watch. There has never been a doubt in my mind that Ayan is a bright and intelligent kid, but I want to give credit to his teachers in channeling that intelligence in ways that have helped him excel and exceed expectations not only academically, but also emotionally and socially. We were very lucky to have Mrs. Fritzgerald as his pre-K teacher who prepared him so well for kindergarten and the life ahead.

Also, I want to acknowledge the effort that was put into making many special memories with crafts/projects, holiday events, and the mini-Olympics (Ayan’s favorite memory at Tom Thumb). It was a lot of fun to watch the mini-Olympics show twice and each time was better than the last. I admire and applaud the curriculum and work that has been put into every single detail to put together such wonderful gestures and events that will be forever embedded in our memory of Ayan at Tom Thumb. It takes a team to run so smoothly so I commend you for working so well together.

And now, my favorite part of it all, the graduation ceremony! This was the most beautiful culmination of all that Ayan has achieved and accomplished. With many tears of joy, I was a proud mom who couldn’t believe her eyes. It is by far the best graduation ceremony I have ever attended. I was awestruck by the production and how well the kids performed. I had yet to see Ayan in action, singing and dancing, something he rarely does, especially in front of others. But this boy put on the best show for his family to date. He was so happy that day and we were all in very high spirits.

With all this, I want to say a big thank you for helping Ayan grow, thrive and become a wonderful version of himself. You have set a very strong and powerful foundation for him; one we will be forever grateful for and one that will serve him well for the years to come. His kindergarten screening couldn’t have gone any better, he was the line leader coming out of that screening so thank you for teaching him to fly!

A humble and grateful Mom,

Letter to Mrs. Brophy for the Tom Thumb’s Zachary Brophy Memorial Scholarship

Letter to Mrs. Brophy for the Tom Thumb's Zachary Brophy Memorial Scholarship
Tom Thumb Preschool 1949 E. Main Street Mohegan Lake, NY 10547

Dear Ms. (Brophy)

I am writing to express my gratitude for being selected as a recipient of Tom Thumb’s Zachary Brophy Memorial Scholarship. Receiving this very generous award means a lot to me and I am honored and extremely grateful for it.

This scholarship represents both financial support, and also confidence in my abilities and work ethic. The belief in my potential motivates me to work even harder to achieve my academic, athletic, and personal goals while pursuing my education degree at Suny Brockport. I am committed to being a positive role model for future generations. The scholarship that I have received will help me along the way.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support!


Thomas C

Letter to Mrs. Brophy

thank you letter to mrs brophy for the last 3 years at tom thumb preschoolDear Mrs Brophy.

Words could never express how thankful and appreciative we are of you. For the past three years, we watched our daughter run into your school with a smile on her face and she was met with open arms and smiles from all of Tom Thumb’s teachers. Victoria has a passion for learning, friends, confidence, and so much more because of your passion for her and every student that walks through your doors. You are truly such an important part of all of our lives and our community. We are so proud to be a Tom Thumb family!

Thank God Audrey still has some years with you because we aren’t ready to leave!

Thank you again!


S Family

Letter to Tom Thumb’s Teacher, Miss Licini

thank you letter to tom thumb teacher, miss liciniDear Miss. Licini,
I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for everything you’ve done for my son and our family.
Your dedication, patience, and kindness have made this year truly special for Jax. He has grown and learned so much under your guidance, and it warms my heart to see how excited he is to go to school each day.

I am particularly thankful for the way you went above and beyond to support us during a challenging time. When we needed to take a break, your understanding and flexibility allowed my son to return to school seamlessly. Your willingness to accommodate our needs made a significant difference, and I am so grateful for your support.

The memories and experiences Jax has gained this year are invaluable, and I am so grateful for the positive impact you have had on his early education.

Thank you, Miss. Licini for your exceptional dedication and for making this year such a wonderful experience for my son. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had you as his teacher, and we will always remember your kindness and hard work.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Britt, Mike, Jax and Adrien L

Letter to Tom Thumb’s Teacher, Mrs. Fitzgerald

thank you letter to tom thumb teacher, mrs. fitzgeraldJune, 2014
Mrs. Fitzgerald-
Are you sure you can’t Come to kindergarten? While were all still not 100% sure. We’re 100% confident that Cameron is ready to transition to K all because of you. Cameron has grown so much in your class this year-thank for making him excited again about coming to school.

Everything from your expectations to your classroom environment has helped prepare Cameron for these next steps. He’s never talked about any teacher the way he speaks. about you, and we know he’ll miss you terribly (and us, too). His

Lincoln Titus, Kindergarten teacher, will have big shoes to fill. We wish you a wonderful summer and enjoy your Last year!

We hope to See you around town!
The F Family


Mrs. Fitzgerald,
Thank you so much for making Charlie’s last year at Tom Thumb has been a memorable experience. Your dedication, patience, + creativity have truly made a difference in his development + happiness. From the stories he eagerly shares with us to the Crafts + Songs he brings home, it’s evident how much he has grown over this final year at Tom Thumb.

Thank you for fostering a nurturing environment where he had the opportunity to thrive, learn, make friends + memories. Your passion for teaching shines through all of the work Charlie brings home + the knowledge he shares with us. We are so fortunate Charlie had you as his teacher.

With deepest appreciation,
The N family

Tom Thumb Superheroes Thank You Note

Tom Thumb Superheroes Thank You Note

Thank you addressed to the Tom Thumb Staff

June 17, 2024thank you note to tom thumb preschool and addressed as supperheroes
Dear Tom Thumb Superheroes,
We cannot even begin to thank you all for our truly spectacular preschool experience. The rock solid foundations that have been built, for all aspects of development, will always be the base that is learned on for future endeavors, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Wishing you all a wonderful summer and many many many more years of success! We will miss you!

With Love,

Caleb, Logan, Mila, Jackie and Justin


2022 Christmas Cards

2022 Christmas Cards

christmas card to tom thumb
Dear Mrs Fitzgerald,

Thank you for all that you do! Kamryn loves school and shares new information that she learned each day when she gets home. You have made her preschool experience the best it could ever be and we are so grateful for that. Your “tough love” and affection balance out perfectly to help your students grow, learn and feel safe.

Thank you for the extra care each day that you give to Kamryn. Enjoy your holidays with family in Hawaii.


Kamryn & Family

christmas card to tom thumb

Dear Mrs. Brophy,

We hope you and your family have a lovely holiday! We can’t express our thanks for all that you do to make Tom Thumb such a special place! It brings my husband and I so much joy to see them learn and grow every day!

The S Family

christmas card to tom thumb
To Tom Thumb,

Without Emma’s Teachers (also her music teacher + coach), Emma would miss out having fun and learning to be with other children. But I also know that without great staff, Tom Thumb would only be half as good. So, I want to thank you everyone that works at Tom Thumb.

Happy Holidays

Barbara W
(Emma’s Grandma)

christmas card to tom thumb

Dear Nancy the Legend,

Thank you for all you do! You are a phenomenal woman!
Have a Merry Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year!

Love Always,

Marisa & Christian

christmas card to tom thumb

To All of the Tom Thumb Staff,

This is the season to thank you for all you do!

To say we love Tom Thumb would be an understatement. You have all been part of our journey for the last 4 years. We could not be happier with the care and education our kids got here.

Keep doing what you are doing!

Happy Holiday


The M Family – Tim, Amy, Jordan, Chase & Thomas

Thank You Notes June 2022

Thank You Notes June 2022

screenshot of thank you card to tom thumb tearchersThese are just a few of the many thank you notes we have received after the TomThumb Preschool’s 2022 Spring semester. Thank you all for the accolades and positive feedback. Our entire staff appreciates your acknowledgments. Tom Thumb is a wonderful experience for students and staff. Our efforts from day one are to make learning fun.

The following are five thank you notes from both parents and staff.

thank you note from k-family to tom thumb preschoo

I am so sad that this will be our last year here at Tom Thumb. Lena will be at camp. We love you all!

Thank you and Stay Well!

Dear Mrs. Brophy, Mrs. Cancrot, and Mrs. Cappello,

Thank you so much for making this preschool experience wonderful since 2013. Evan, Alyssa and Lena learned so much and have so many memories of their time here. I am so appreciative of your dedication to these children. I am so grateful for your help through these years.

The K Family


thank you note from amanda to tom thumb preschoo

Dear Mrs. Brophy,

When we made the decision to send our daughter to your school (at just 2 1/2 years old) we were making the best possible decision, Your school has prepared Mila for the demands of full-day kindergarten calls for, but has helped to shape her into an inquisitive, social five-year-old. She is excited to learn and truly enjoys all of the excitement that Tom Thumb brings every day.

We cannot thank you enough for the gift your school has given us! We are so thankful our younger daughter is entering ThumBelina in September because we don’t have to say goodbye just yet!

We hope you have a wonderful summer.

Thank you so much!

Amanda, Marc, Milana & Elena


thank you note from jenna and jake to tom thumb preschoo

Mrs. Brophy,

Thanks for all you do! We are so fortunate that we have such an amazing place for our kids.

Have a Great Summer,

Jenna and soon Jake


thank you note from maria to tom thumb preschoo

Hello Nancy,

Just a quick note to thank you for including me in your special celebration. My time at Tom Thumb was definitely a highlight of my career.

Many Thanks,

Maria – Music Teacher


thank you note from rose to tom thumb preschool

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for making me a part of Tom Thumb family. My first full-time year with you was amazing and educational.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Here’s to 2022-2023.



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