Ryan Hurley’s Video

Ryan Hurley’s Video

Hi Mrs. Brophy,

In between teaching and taking care of these 3 lovely children, Ryan (Mrs. Cancro/Mrs. Cichetti) and I have been making cookies videos! Today he put on him Tom Thumb shirt because “Mrs. Brophy LOVES when we cook.” ? He also let his siblings have a cameo.

Thanks for being such a positive influence on my kids! We’re sorry to not see everyone for the rest of the year, but I look forward to having a Senior and Thumbelina student next year!

Christina and Michael Hurley

Adelyn- Home Projects

Adelyn- Home Projects

Praying Mantis Project

Praying Mantis project conducted by Adelyn

Praying Mantis project conducted by Adelyn

Adelyn is observing the life cycle of a praying mantis for Science. Right now we have a hardened egg sack and she is impatiently waiting for the nymphs to hatch!

Adelyn’s Shape Monster

Adelyn wants to show everyone her shape monster that she made today! She had fun practicing her shapes!

Adelyn having fun with shape

Adelyn and Aubree showing their shape

Adelyn having fun with shape

Adelyn having fun with shape



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