Wash Your Hands Song & Lyrics

Wash Your Hands Song & Lyrics

Here are the lyrics to Wash Your Hands Song by Gary Pane that appears in Home Activity #2.  Click here to download the PDF file of the lyrics.


Wash Your Hands Song

By Gary Pane – “The Manatee Man”

You were out playing in the dirt at recess
You look at your hands and say “What a big mess.” Your hands are dirty and full of germs
You were even touching some beetles and some worms
You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
And use plenty of soap
I said wash those hands
I said wash those hands
 Wash those hands
 And use plenty of soap
Smog produced by a million cars lands on the swings and the monkey bars
Germs all over the playground stuff
Your immune system says, “I’ve had enough”[CHORUS]
You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
And use plenty of soap
I said wash those hands
I said wash those hands
Wash those hands
And use plenty of soap>[Music Break]You can avoid the flu
You can take care of you
This ain’t nothing new
It’s something that you gotta do

You don’t want E coli
I ain’t telling no lie
Keep hands sterilized and live a better life

Staph bacteria
In your cafeteria
As bad as Diphtheria
You should take it serious
And Doorknobs are bad
They’re a germ launch pad

Just wash your hands
And you’ll always be glad
Just wash your hands
And you’ll always be glad

You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
You better wash your hands
And use plenty of soap
I said wash those hands
I said wash those hands
Wash those hands
And use plenty of soap

Music End


Wash Your Hands Song by Gary Pane

Brush Your Teeth Video from Our Students

Brush Your Teeth Video from Our Students

I received an email on April 3 from a Tom Thumb parent with a wonderful attached video. Although I know the family dearly and love the kids, I am keeping their identity confidential. Anyone viewing the video will cherish it. Many thanks to the M Family for sharing their home video with an important message about Brushing Your Teeth!

The email in response to Home Activity #3 “Brush Your Teeth”.

Good morning Tom Thumb (& especially Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. Carozza),

I wanted to touch base and let you know how much the kids miss and love you all at Tom Thumb. We are so grateful for you all and hope you’re all doing well. We are keeping up with our daily activities, and I thought you’d like to see E…and D… (and their little sister, M…) singing the Brush your Teeth Song.


M Family

2020 Lakeland Education Foundation Honorees

2020 Lakeland Education Foundation Honorees

Lakeland Education FoundationGala Casino Night
When: Saturday, March 14, 2020 from 7 pm to midnight
Where: Viiia Barone 466 Route 6 Mahopac, NY
How to Attend: Click on Gala Casino Night RSVP Card

The Lakeland Education Foundation Announces 2019-2020 Honorees Community Member and Three Educators to be Honored at March 14 Dinner Dance

The Lakeland Education Foundation (LEF) will honor three district staff members and a community member at its annual Casino Night, Silent Auction, and Dinner Dance to be held at the Villa Barone in Mahopac on Saturday, March 14, 2019.

gala casino night honorees
Three outstanding supporters of the LEF and the students of the Lakeland Central School District are this year’s honorees: Lakeland High School Principal Christopher Cummings, Lakeland High School Social Studies Teacher Maureen   O’Donnell, and Superintendent Dr. George Stone. Also being honored is Nancy Brophy, director, and owner of Tom Thumb Preschool.

nancy brophy director of tom thumb preschool“I am honored that people in my profession have chosen Tom Thumb and me to be recognized at Lakeland Education Foundation’s annual event,” offered Nancy Brophy. “I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I will share this honor with my teacher and staff, past and present. They have made Tom Thumb what it is today,”she added.

“I wish to express my fondest gratitude to the Lakeland Education Foundation for enriching “All Things Lakeland” over my ten years here, and many years prior,” said Dr. Stone. “It has been my distinct honor to serve the Foundation as part of the Unfunded Mandate Band who was able to give as well as receive so many blessings through LEF’s generous support. I wish the Lakeland Education Foundation continued success as they fulfill their mission to enrich and enhance the lives of Lakeland students, staff and schools.” Dr. Stone is retiring after in June 2020.

“I am extremely honored to be recognized by the Lakeland Education Foundation. The LEF dedicates so much time and effort into supporting the educational experiences of our students by providing our teachers with opportunities to enrich their students’ classroom experience,” said Christopher Cummings.  “The work of the LEF supports and in many ways mirrors the work we do each and every day in our buildings. Working alongside the LEF helps continue the partnership which brings the school and community together to support our students and makes our district special,” added Cummings.

“So much about education is the support the community gives the teachers and the support the teachers offer to the community,” said Maureen O’Connell. “When you have that relationship between a community and its education system, it ensures the success of generations of people. Working at Lakeland for 25 years I’ve seen and experienced the support and success of this community,” she continued. “The LEF is an integral part of the community and Lakeland Central Schools. I am humbled to be honored by them,” she concluded.

Created in 1994, the Foundation has awarded more than $1 million to benefit the district’s students through the annual LEF grant program.

The Lakeland Education Foundation seeks to provide opportunities for the students and staff of Lakeland to expand learning opportunities, to maximize the potential of each student, and to augment the fine work that is already underway in the Lakeland Schools.

“The Lakeland Education Foundation has been working hard for the past 24 years to enhance the educational experience for all Lakeland students,” said Diane Kness, LEF President.

The money raised at the evening’s activity will be used to help fund the Foundation’s grant program. For more information or to sign up to attend the event, go to LEF@LakelandSchools.org.

School Closing Due to Inclement Weather

School Closing Due to Inclement Weather

A Quick Reminder

School Closings –Winter is here. Listen to the local radio station for school closings and delayed openings {WHUD (100.7) FM} or go online to WHUD-Storm Center. Look for Lakeland Central Schools we will do what Lakeland School District does.

If Lakeland School District closes, we close. If Lakeland School District has a delayed opening, we will only delay 1 hour. (No matter how long Lakeland delays, Tom Thumb will be delayed for one hour only.)

**The Before School Care program(for those registered for this program) will open at 7:50 am for those already registeredfor that day. School opens at 10:00 am

Tom Thumb is Building a New Website

Tom Thumb is Building a New Website

Tom Thumb Website History

Tom Thumb Preschool was founded in 1968. The Internet was not in existence then as it is today. At that time, we advertised in the Penny Saver and we got our students through word-of-mouth. Our first website was created on May 17, 2001. This small site had contact information including a few pages of content. We don’t have a screenshot of the first site.

In 2007, We had a Meeting about Our Website

tom thumb preschool old website

2009 Tom Thumb Preschool Website

At the meeting, we started to think about our website as a useful promotional tool to disseminate relevant information to our customers. In 2008, Nancy Brophy began to come up with design ideas and do some preparation for new content on the new website. We wanted a new website to have a brand appeal to remind us of children and to present real information about our school and programs, instead of a sales talk.

Much of this original core content devised in 2008 by Nancy and her team survive today on the website. We still hold to our vision, mission, and beliefs while our school expanded and achieved success by educating over eleven thousand graduates. The screenshot on the right is taken from wayback.com. It is a rendition of our redesigned website of April 29, 2009.

2011 Tom Thumb Preschool Website

2011 Tom Thumb Preschool Website

On June 14, 2011, we created the current website as depicted with the screen-shot on the right. We kept most of the previous content and we included new information, programs, and new best-practices. The screen-shot on the right is based on HTML technology with WordPress for blog functions.


October 2019 We will Introduce a New Website.

Our New Website is Built to Better Serve Our Customers


Our New Website

Current Tom Thumb Preschool Website

2019 om Thumb Preschool Website

We are proud to announce the new Tom Thumb Preschool Website with improvements to better serve our customers and the Internet audience. Our goal is to create a new website experience using state-of-the-art technology while keeping the same familiar look of our original site.

Our new website uses the most innovative “open-source” software available today as a content management system with the capability to add more function and enhance our web presence as our preschool continues to serve our true customer – our students.

current tom thumb preschool website

New TomTthumb Preschool Website – Top of Home Page

Also, we made a significant change in the way we manage content. The new website greatly reduces programming efforts to more easily publish information and distribute the content directly. Our new website makes it easier to communicate with fewer steps to deliver content faster. It allows the Senior Director to get her messages out in real-time.

At Tom Thumb Preschool, we see technological improvements as the path to be more efficient and deliver more value quicker.

Our New Website is Focused on 3 Main Areas:

New Tom Thumb Preschool Website

New Tom Thumb Preschool Website – further down on the Home Page

  1. Provide information about our school, brand and messages from Nancy Brophy
  2. Deliver information, tuition, and enrollment about our 5 Tom Thumb Programs:
    • ThumBelina
    • Junior & Senior Preschool
    • Stay & Play Safely
    • Catch Us if You Can Summer Camp
  3. Communicate about our program schedule, calendar of events, school activities and articles

Our New Tom Thumb Preschool Website - further down the Home Page

Our New Tom Thumb Preschool Website – further down on the Home Page

Our new website is designed to work with cell phones, tablets, and desktop computers to help visitors find the information easier by using a Search Box and a new menu system with an information structure that is easy to follow.

Please feel free to contact us about our website with recommendations, feedback, or suggestions by leaving a comment.

Thank you all for your support.


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