2018 Thank You Note by Olivia

2018 Thank You Note by Olivia

thank you note praising tom thumb preschool

Click on the Thank Your Card image to enlarge it

Dear Nancy,

In 2016 we were building a new home in a new town. Going from place to place looking for the best place for my girls was (both) tedious and terrifying from the moment we met; I knew I had found a hove for my girls.

You and your staff are absolutely amazing, and Tom Thumb has been one of the best decisions I have made as a parent.┬á You offer a school, an education, a safe place … but most importantly you offer fun, social skills and value.

My girls love Tom Thumb and there is no one who compares to Mrs. Brophy. You are their hero, which makes you mine as well!

Two weeks ago for Mother’s Day,┬á Emalee brought home a ring I had lost my wedding band. She had told you, and she said you promised to help.┬á That empathy and compassion is what makes a leader and teaches children to be a leader. We are forever grateful!

Have a fabulous summer!


2018 Thank You Note by F Family

2018 Thank You Note by F Family

thank you notesDear Mrs. Brophy,

Thank you for providing Ava with a wonderful pre-school experience. Not only was Tom Thumb a safe and loving environment. I truly feel Ava is prepared for Kindergarten!

Thank you! We will never forget you!


S Family

2018 Thank You Note by Shea

2018 Thank You Note by Shea

thank you note from shea tp tom thumbDear Mrs. Brophy,

The most valuable decision we made for James was the decision to enroll him at Tom Thumb. He has grown so much during his time at Tom Thumb in ways we feel could not have happened elsewhere.

James is ready and prepared for Kindergarten, thanks to the teachers and support staff. They have made his learning experience enjoyable as demonstrated by his desire to stay at Tom Thumb forever.

Thank you for all you do.



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