Tom Thumb Mini Olympics

Tom Thumb Senior Mini Olympics will be held in March


Monday, March 24 – MWF classes in the Purple Room and Green Room

Wednesday, March 26 -MWF classes in the Blue Room and Orange Room

Thursday, March 27 – T/Th classes(2 day students) the Blue and Green Rooms

These are regular Tom Thumb school days. The “mini-olympics” are at the Dynamic Gymnastics building and will last about 1 hour, all are encouraged to attend and you may bring your family and friends (this is the only event that this is possible). Children wear your Tom Thumb T-Shirt!
–“Mini-Olympics” starts at 9:10 am.
Children are dropped off at Tom Thumb at 8:45am. Don’t be late.
Regular dismissal times at Tom Thumb.
Come and cheer your child on! Parents can park at Dynamic Gymnastics and go directly to the upper deck in Dynamic’s building.


Tom Thumb Junior Mini Olympics will be in May


Monday, May 5 for MWF classes in the Yellow and Red Rooms

Thursday, May 8 for the T/TH (2 day students) in the Yellow, Red and Orange Rooms.

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