2025 Summer Camp News

2025 Summer Camp News

“Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp begins June 30 through August 15

Our Summer Camp is at the Tom Thumb Campus from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Before-and-After Camp Care is available for campers’ early arrival at 8 a.m. and late pick-up at 5 p.m.


The following “Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp Information has been posted on our website (click on a blue link below on the left to view the PDF document).

“Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp Registration Summer Camp Registration
   Summer Camp Tuition Sheet – Keep for your records. Summer Camp Tuition & Record Your Schedule
    Before & After Camp Worksheet Before & After Summer Camp Care Tuition
    Camp Calendar “Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp Calendar
    Summer Camp Daily Activities “Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp Daily Activities
    Water Slide Permission Slip Water Slide Permission Slip
Note our Summer Camp fills up quickly, so please enroll as early as possible to guarantee the weeks you want your children to attend.


summer camp


Tom Thumb Preschool Playground Train


Summer Camp Registration Begins April 15 (Camp Starts June 26, 2023)

Summer Camp Registration Begins April 15 (Camp Starts June 26, 2023)

A Quick Reminder

Our Summer Camp Registration Begins June 26, 2023

“Catch Us If You Can” Summer Day Camp:

  • For ages 3 1/2 through 5th graders
  • Up to 7 weeks
  • 5 days per Week
  • Minimum of 2 Weeks
  • June 26th through August 11th
  • (Monday through Friday – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM)
  • Before and After Camp Care from 8:000 AM to 5:00 PM is Available
  • Registration begins April 15


To learn more, click on Catch Us If You Can or Summer Camp Tuition

Click on any summer camp picture to enlarge

Water Slide Permission Slip is Now Available

2023 Summer Camp Begins June 26

tom thumb summer camp playground

Tom Thumb’s largest playground is fully equipped and secure

Our Summer Camp is for ages 3 1/2 through 5th grade.


Tom Thumb’s Summer Camp is now open for enrollment.

Now’s the perfect time to register for our summer camp.


tom thumb "catch Us if you Can" summer camp - kids riding scooters

tom thumb “Catch Us if You Can” summer camp – kids riding scooters

We will return to our fast-paced summer lifestyle with the hustle and bustle of work, play, sports, play dates, running errands, and picking up and dropping off the kids with friends; time seems to just quickly fly by. The last day our school is June 19, which means summer vacation is coming soon and fast. Then suddenly, you have two months of a long summer.

Don’t be caught at the last minute with a long summer ahead trying to fill your child’s summer schedule with an active, fun-filled camp experience. Please note there is a discount for your second child when both children attend our camp at the same time for $570 weekly for both children.

Yes, this is a perfect time to register your child at Tom Thumb’s Catch Us If You Can Summer Camp. Our new registration form is now available, just click on Camp Registration Form 2023, and is ready for you to download and print.

Register now for the 2023 Summer Camp at the Tom Thumb Campus

tom thumb summer camp

They don’t know when the bucket is ready to tip and empty the water!

Our new registration form has a simple check box, you choose the days you want your child to attend camp. Please note, you must sign-up for a minimum of 2 weeks with a minimum of 5 days per week. Many of our Tom Thumb Preschool parents enroll their child for the entire 7 weeks. Your kids will love it.

Complete the form and sign it and write a check for your tuition through July 21st must accompany the registration form. Finally, enclose the registration form and check into an envelope and mail it to the address that appears in the upper left of the form. It’s that easy to enroll at our “Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp before it’s too late.

Then it’s done, your child is set for summer camp, and you don’t have to worry about it.

Camp begins June 26th and the kids will have a wonderful fun-filled summer!


A Typical Summer Camp Rainy Day

What Can You Expect at “Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp during a Rainy Day?

When it’s a rainy day at our summer camp, we still have activities and play inside our Tom Thumb Facilities. The children are able to choose from a variety of┬á fun activities. Campers can play together or by themselves or in combination. Our summer camp, “Catch Us If You Can“, is completely supervised and monitored by adults camp leaders and camp counselors. Our camp is a secure and safe place, where kids have fun and burn energy .

We send our campers home tired, so they will have a good night’s sleep and be ready for the next fun-filled-day of camp with more play. Whether it’s rain or shine, our campers have fun by running around, playing sports, playing games, playing with toys and/or doing arts and crafts. We believe child’s play is the work required for a healthy body and mind. Our Tom Thumb Facility is designed and built for children to play and have fun in a safe and secure environment.

We are “Catch Us If You Can” a terrific summer camp run by Nancy Brophy at Lake Mohegan, New York on the Tom Thumb Campus. Our camp is a day camp for kids from 4 years old to 5th grade. “Catch Us If You Can” is a quality fun camp to allow our camper to unwind for the summer. We offer a wonderful camp experience at a reasonable price.

Here’s what you can expect on a rainy day, our camper will use the same Tom Thumb Campus Facilities as seen in the videos below. Watch our video, see the kids energy being spent having fun.

“Catch Us If You Can” Summer Camp

Now’s the perfect time to register for our summer camp, Let me tell you why.

Catch Us If You Can Summer Camp at Tom Thumb Campus

Catch Us if You Can Summer Camp

In our fast pace life style with the hustle and bustle of work, running errands and picking-up and dropping off the kids, time seems to just quickly fly by. The last day of school is June 26, that’s months away. Then suddenly there is 2 months of summer. Don’t be caught at the last-minute with a long summer ahead trying to fill your child’s summer schedule with an active fun-filled camp experience. Did I mention, there is a 10% discount for the second child when both children attend camp at the same time.

Yes, this is a perfect time to register your child at Tom Thumb’s Catch Us If You Can Summer Camp“. Our new registration, Camp Registration Form 2014 is now available and ready for you to print.

Register now for the 2014 Summer Camp at the Tom Thumb Campus

Fishing at Catch Us If You Summer Camp

Fishing together at Catch Us If You Can Summer Camp

Our new registration form has a simple check box, you choose the days you want your child to attend camp. Please note, you must sign-up for a minimum of 2 weeks with a minimum of 2 days per week.  Many of our Tom Thumb Preschool parents enroll their child for the entire 7 weeks. Your kids will love it.

Complete the form and sign it. A check for the first 2 weeks tuition must accompany the registration form; (click on, summer camp tuition, to get the total for the first 2 weeks for your deposit).┬á Finally, enclose the form and check into an envelope and mail it to the address that appears in the upper left of the form. It’s that easy to guarantee your placement at our Catch Us If You Can Summer Camp” before it’s too late..

Then it’s done, your child is set for summer camp you don’t have to worry about it.

Camp begins June 30th and the kids will have a wonderful fun-filled summer!

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