Tom Thumb to Sacred Heart University

Tom Thumb to Sacred Heart University

Meet Amanda, a Tom Thumb Student

Here is a note from Amanda, in which she thanks Tom Thumb for the wonderful times of dance and learning, and she says Tom Thumb will always remain special to her that taught her about dance. This post includes a picture of Amanda as a Tom Thumb student and another as a high school graduate.

Amanda’s note illustrates Tom Thumb’s Philosophy from day one when we opened our doors as a private preschool, “It is the responsibility of this generation to pass on to the next those things which it has found to be of value. We are dedicated to improving the next generation of great Americans.”

Amanda’s Note

amanda's note thanking tom thumb preschool for wonder times of dance and learning

Dear Tom Thumb,
I would like to thank you very much for the support and generosity you’ve given me through Dance for Joy! This award helped encourage
me to continue on dancing at Sacred Heart University, I would also like to thank you for all of the wonderful times I’ve had at Tom Thumb, both dancing and learning. Tom Thumb will always be special to me as it was the place that taught me about dance!

With Love,
Amanda J

Tom Thumb Students with Sergeant Brian Fitzgerald

Tom Thumb Students with Sergeant Brian Fitzgerald

Sergeant Brian Fitzgerald attended Tom Thumb Preschool from September 1999 through June June 2001
He enlisted in the US Army in January 2017 with a job (Military Occupation Specialist: 88M ) as a Motor Transport Operator.
Brian is unmarried and lives at the Scofield Barracks in Oahu, Hawaii.

class picture of tom thumb students with Sergeant Brian Fitzgerald, a 2001 Tom Thumb Graduate

Tom Thumb Students with Sergeant Brian Fitzgerald, a 2001 Tom Thumb Graduate

Lakeland 2021 Valedictorian

Lakeland 2021 Valedictorian

Lakeland High School 2021 Valedictorian, Tom Thumb Graduate of 2008

“At Tom Thumb, we are all proud of Sayani Aggarwal for her achievements and the person she has become. It’s with warm affection I look back at the past. It seems almost like yesterday when Sayani was a little kid with a big smile in her cap and gown at her Tom Thumb Graduation in 2008. Now, she is a young woman with a wonderful future ahead.  Sayani is part of the Next Great Generation of Americans that will change this world.”, Nancy Brophy

image of press artical of tom thumb class of 2008 student, Sayani Aggarwal

GRADUATION SECTION — Special Supplement to Yorktown News – July 8, 2021

GRADUATION SECTION — Special Supplement to Yorktown News – July 8, 2021


Lakeland High School


Valedictorian – Sayani Aggarwal


By Nick Trujillo Staff Writer


Under the scorching sun at Dutchess Stadium, Lakeland’s Sayani Aggarwal addressed her classmates, faculty, and parents, reflecting on the past four years and how the unique end to her high school career allowed her class to appreciate aspects of her school in ways they would not have.

“We had no choice but to cherish the moments we had in high school as we sat in our homes for days on end,” said the valedictorian. ‘As we figured out how to express emotions behind a mask, we cherished the times when we could clearly see a classmate’s smile across a room.”

When COVID-19 regulations started to lift, and Lakeland students could begin – to meet in person again, Aggarwal said that this added to the impact those moments would make on their high school memories.

“When we were given opportunities to gain back some sense of normalcy, we cherished these moments even more because we knew that these were the final chances we had to make lasting memories, even if they were not the memories that we planned to make as freshmen,” said the National Honor Society member.

Aggarwal thanked many people who have supported her throughout her life and through an unprecedented time in her life. She thanked her friends for bringing out the best in her on her darkest days. She thanked her teachers for their influence and guidance. She thanked the parents of the volunteer group, “Class of 2021 Let’s Get it Done!” for their work in celebrating Lakeland’s seniors. She thanked and expressed her gratitude to her parents for their unconditional love and support.

“We are walking away with a shared experience, an experience that will continue to connect us as we journey through the various chapters of our lives,” said Aggarwal. Our shared experience, our memories, will be the source behind each word written in the history of these times, and through those memories, we will be immortalized.”

Aggarwal had a weighted GPA of 101.73 and never earned less than an “A” in any subject, including in her lauded science research work. She is interested in pursuing the area of chemistry

Graduation Songs for 2020 Seniors

Graduation Songs for 2020 Seniors

For those Senior Graduating in 2020, please practice the Graduation Songs.


Click on the link below for each song that will be sung at graduation:

  1. Tom Thumb/Kids Come
  2. Cooperation &. School Rules
  3. Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands*** After this song, you will be advised to put on your child’s cap and gown***
  4. We Will Not Quit (We Will Never Give Up)
  5. Friends Forever
  6. This Little Light of Mine


Ryan Hurley’s Video

Ryan Hurley’s Video

Hi Mrs. Brophy,

In between teaching and taking care of these 3 lovely children, Ryan (Mrs. Cancro/Mrs. Cichetti) and I have been making cookies videos! Today he put on him Tom Thumb shirt because “Mrs. Brophy LOVES when we cook.” ? He also let his siblings have a cameo.

Thanks for being such a positive influence on my kids! We’re sorry to not see everyone for the rest of the year, but I look forward to having a Senior and Thumbelina student next year!

Christina and Michael Hurley

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