2024 ThumNastics

2024 ThumNastics

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ThumNastics Takes After-School Care to the Next Level

  • Fun
  • Easy & Convenient
  • Learn New Skills
  • Improves Confidence
  • Physical Exercise
  • Child Motor & Movement Development

ThumNastic is only for our Tom Thumb students. This program was specially developed for our students to participate in early-age gymnastic classes at Dynamic Gymnastics and is age-appropriate for both our juniors and seniors. Dynamic Gymnastics is a top-notch gymnastic academy located on the Tom Thumb Camp. For over ten years, Dynamic Gymnastics has worked with Tom Thumb to create a unique gymnastics program customized for our students using experienced and expert coaching. Tom Thumbers are safely escorted to their gymnastics class after their preschool day ends.

dynamic gymnastic gym floor

Dynamic Gymnastic’s Gym Floor for ThumNastics


Fall ThumNastics Program

Students who are dismissed from Tom Thumb at 2:15 p.m. may stay and enjoy and participate in our Enrichment Program. They will then be escorted to their gymnastic class at 3:00 p.m. and will be available for pick-up at 3:50 p.m. at the Dynamic building.

Students who attend our Full Day session (3:15 pm dismissal), will be escorted to their gymnastic class at 3:00 pm and be available for pick-up at 3:50 pm at the Dynamic building.


Pick-up is at Dynamic Gymnastics or Tom Thumb

ThumNastics students are either picked up at 3:50 pm at the Dynamic building or are escorted back to Tom Thumb for our After School Care Program for picked up. If your child attends our ThumNastic Classes, Tom Thumb after-school care will be available at 4:00 pm at the Tom Thumb building. Please call our office for more information.

Any student not picked up by 4:00 p.m. from Dynamic Gymnastics will be safely escorted back to Tom Thumb to participate in the Tom Thumb After-School Care Program. Please note that the tuition for ThumNastics doesn’t include after-school care that requires pick-up before or at 5:30 p.m.

ThumNastic Program Offers:

  • Tuesday ThumNastics is for our:
    • 5-Day program
    • Tuesday-Thursday-Friday preschool sessions
    • Tuesday-Thursday preschool sessions
  • Wednesday ThumNastics is for our
    • Monday-Wednesday-Friday preschool sessions


ThumNastics Tuition

The tuition is $340 for 17 classes, with two payments of $170 that are due at registration and the final payment in November

  • Tuesday ThumNastics starts in September 17, 2024 and ends in January 28, 2025
  • Wednesday ThumNastics begins in September 18, 2024 and ends in January 29, 2025

There is no Dynamic Gymnastic registration fee for ThumNastics students. Make your checks payable to Tom Thumb Preschool.


Before & After School Care Monthly Form

Before & After School Care Monthly Form

Our new procedure to specify Before and After School Care for:

    • ThumBelina
    • Juniors and Seniors Preschool
    • Stay and Play Club (for Lakeland School District Kids)

We have created new Before and After School Care monthly forms for you to specify your schedule and cost. Please obtain your copy from our office for the next month or download the Monthly Form below.

There are forms devoted solely to Tom Thumb students (ThumBelina, and Junior & Senior Preschool) that are provided by our office or may be downloaded below on the left.

There are forms for just for Stay and Play Club (for Lakeland School District Kids) that are provided by our office or may be downloaded below on the right. To learn more about our Stay and Play Club, Before/After School Care for students attending Lakeland Elementary School, click on our Stay and Play Club Tuition Rate.

Brief Instructions to Complete the Monthly Forms

Complete one Monthly Form for Each Child.

The monthly form is due on the 15th of the prior month.

  • Label tote bags and lunch boxes, or our staff will.
  • Each monthly form must be completed and submitted before the 15th of the prior month with your payment. For example, September’s Form is due August 15th with your check for payment, and October’s Form is due September 15th.
  • Deducting, credit, or refunding for absenteeism is impossible since resources are allocated the previous month.
  • We must have your child’s Emergency Contact Numbers, Medical Records & Info, and Immunization Records before the child attends the program.
  • The late fee is $10 for every 15 minutes for pick-up after 5:30 pm. For emergencies, please call to let us know you will be late.
  • Please give your child breakfast at home before
  • The parent must complete the monthly forms and submit them to our office on time with payment.
  • Complete the Top of Form
    • Print your child’s name, parent name, phone number, and 4-digit code
    • For Tom Thumb students, Circle or Select one: Junior__ Senior__ ThumBelina
    • For Stay and Play Club students, indicate the Elementary School and the grade child is in by Circle or Select One: GW__ TJ__ LT__ VC__ BF__ Grade_____
    • For Before-School Care
      • Check the days for the selected time slot you want for before-school care
      • Don’t cross out days your child will not attend; leave them blank.
      • Count the time slots horizontally checked for each week and enter the total in the Days column.
      • Multiply the number in Days by Cost horizontally and enter the result into the  Amt. Due column.
      • Add the vertical Amt. Due column and place the sum in the Before Care Total line item on the bottom.
    • For After-School Care
      • Check the days for the selected time slot you want for after-school care
      • Don’t cross out days your child will not attend; leave them blank.
      • Count the time slots horizontally checked for each week and enter the total in the Days column.
      • Multiply the number in Days by Cost horizontally and enter the result into the  Amt. Due column.
      • Add the vertical Amt. Due column and place the sum in the After Care Total line item on the bottom.
    • Add the Before Care Total line item with the After Care Total line item, place the sum in the Before & After School Care Total Due line item, and write a check for this grand total.
    • Return the monthly form with your check before the 15th of the prior month.

Example of a Completed Form

complete before and after school PDF form

2024 – 2025 Monthly Before and After School Care Forms

Each Monthly Form is a PDF file that contains the Before School Care section on the left and the After School Care on the right, both on the front page. Download and print the form with our published pricing and complete each appropriate section to suit your needs. To download the Monthly Forms below, click on the phrase, Click Here to Download:

Monthly Forms for ThumBelina Students

Before & After School Care for
Two Year Old Students

September Monthly Form for ThumBelina StudentsClick Here to Download

October Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

November Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students Click Here to Download

December Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

January Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students Click Here to Download

February Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

March Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students ​- Click Here to Download

April Monthly Forms for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

May Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

June Monthly Form for ThumBelina Students​ – Click Here to Download

Monthly Forms for Tom Thumb Students

Before & After School Care for
Juniors & Seniors Students

September Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors StudentsClick Here to Download

October Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

November Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors StudentsClick Here to Download

December Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

January Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students Click Here to Download

February Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

March Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students ​- Click Here to Download

April Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

May Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

June Monthly Form for Tom Thumb Juniors and Seniors Students​ – Click Here to Download

Monthly Forms for Stay and Play Club

Before & After School Care for
Lakeland Elementary Students

September Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

October Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

November Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

December Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

January Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

February Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

March Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

April Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

May Monthly Form for Stay and Play ClubClick Here to Download

June Monthly Form for Stay and Play Club  – Click Here to Download

2021 Student Openings

2021 Student Openings

Tom Thumb Enrollment is at the Highest Level in 10 Years

There has been an overwhelming appeal for our Tom Thumb Preschool programs this new academic year. As parents are eager to have their children return to the classroom this fall, almost all our programs have been filled early this year with a few exceptions. We thank the parents of new and returning students for their trust and support of Tom Thumb.

For parents seeking preschool placement for their child this fall:

There are still very limited spots available for the 2021 Fall Session.
Please call the school (914) 528-5600 for more information.

The Stay and Play Program is our Before and After School Care specifically developed for Lakeland School District elementary children that are 5 through 10 years old. Currently, we have available openings in Stay and Play for this fall. Please contact us on (914) 528-5600 for more information.

Accepting Fall Registration

Accepting Fall Registration

Tom Thumb Campus

Tom Thumb Campus

We Go Way Beyond Child Care!

Tom Thumb Preschool is a private school that was founded in 1968 by Nancy Brophy.


Accepting Registration for Tom Thumb Preschool and ThumBelina:

tom thumb field trip to indian church

Indian Church Field Trip

Register for our Fall Session that starts in September is now available. To get started, click on Registration Forms to download the form, print it, complete it and send it to us with your check for the $100 deposit. It’s that easy!

We recommend submitting your completed Registration Form with your refundable deposit of $100 as early as possible to ensure placement in the class you want. Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

tom thumb's thanksgiving party

Thanksgiving Party

If your child doesn’t plan on attending Tom Thumb Preschool or ThumBelina, please mention to your friends, family, or neighbors that our registration process has begun. Your referral is greatly appreciated.

As always, current Tom Thumb and ThumBelina students are given an early reminder to register for next year to secure their slot before the classes fill up.

Thank you for registering as early as possible.

Click here to download our Registration Forms.

tom thumb preschool students

Tom Thumb Preschool Class session


Contact us for more information about our private school.

Tom Thumb Preschool mini Olympics

Tom Thumb Preschool Mini Olympics

tom thumb preschool 50 year anniversary

Over 50 Years in Preschool Education

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