A Thank You from Roberta

A Thank You from Roberta

Ms. Brophy,

We met each other about one month ago when visiting your school for my son, Cayden. He has just started to attend ThumBelina this week and seems very excited. My husband and I have noticed already some improvements that one day of school has made. I asked him, “What did you learn at school today?” and he said, “I learn sharing.”

Thank you for taking me on a tour that other day and for kindly accepting my son at your school this year. I hope to have a pleasure to meet you again in the future.

Kind Regards,


Thank You Note from the V Family 2014

At the end of the academic school year, we received many,  “Thank you Notes“. The following is a snapshot image of a note we received in June of 2014. It’s always a pleasure to receive these notes.

Testimonal thank you note

Thank you Note received during end of the school year (June 2014) from the V Family.


Recent Parent Feedback

Recent Parent Feedback

Dear Mrs. Brophy and the INCREDIBLE staff at Tom Thumb/Thumbelina,

Last week I attended the 2nd and final Tom Thumb Graduation. The show was entertaining, impressive, emotional, and absolutely unforgettable. The kids demonstrated some of the invaluable skills they have learned at Tom Thumb, like taking turns, listening to directions, working together, speaking in front of a crowd, and having fun! It was an experience I will cherish always.


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