by atm | Apr 24, 2020 | Message from Mrs Brophy, Parent Feedback, Tom Thumb News |
Jack missess Tom Thumb
by atm | Apr 24, 2020 | Key Moments, Message from Mrs Brophy, Parent Feedback, Tom Thumb News |
Jaxson Wearing his mask
Jaxson loved seeing the videos from you all today!
He wanted to show Mrs. Brophy that he has a superhero mask too!
Stay safe everyone we miss you!
by atm | Apr 24, 2020 | Message from Mrs Brophy, Parent Feedback, Tom Thumb News |
Owen, Tom Thumb Senior, Wearing his Mask
Mrs. Brophy has been wearing her mask when she leaves home and is next to people. All our Tom Thumb Teachers and Assistant Teachers wear their mask, too.
Don’t Forget to:
- Stay 6 feet away, from people
- Wear your mask, when you’re next to people
- Wash your hands and sing the “Wash Your Hands” Song.
Now, we have Owen showing all his friends; he is wearing his mask too.
Wear your mask and become a member of our Tom Thumb Wear Your Mask Club
Owen is a member of our Tom Thumb Wear Your Mask Club.
Thank you, Owen
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