Thank you Note from Abigail

Abigail first time at tom thumb preschool

Abigail’s First School Experience

Dear Mrs. Brophy,


Thank you for all that you do. We are so grateful for Abigail ‘s first school experience at ThumBelina. Abigail adores her teachers and new friends. We are truly grateful for this amazing place!

Abigail and Family

Just Thanks

Dear Nancy and all of the Tom Thumb Staff,

I wanted to just take the time to say thank you so much for the wonderful summer you gave to our daughter Alejandra. Nancy, although we could not afford at the moment to take Ali out of her current daycare to move her to you for the fall, you were nice enough to allow her to come just for the summer to give her a change of pace.

Ali loved camp so much, and I was so impressed with the caliber of the counselors I met.

The fact that you were willing to reimburse us for the days my daughter stayed home with my inlaws who were visiting from Mexico was incredible. I know that this is unusual and we so appreciated it. So often (like in my line of work) people only ever take time out to complain or bring issues. I really wanted to take a moment to just say thank you for all you did.

We greatly look forward to moving both of our children over to you as soon as my youngest is old enough.

Enjoy the rest of the week, and have a nice school year.



Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note

Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note

thank you note

Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note from the Lena Family

 A Tom Thumb First

We receive many thank you notes from parents about the value of Tom Thumb and the terrific results of our program. We always appreciate the feedback and your praises.  We try to publish a few of these thank you notes when we manage to get them to our webmaster.

The above note is from a Tom Thumb Alumni, Mrs. Lena, thanking Mrs. Brophy for a wonderful school. It’s always a pleasure to hear from parents that are Tom Thumb Alumni. We believe they have a deeper understanding of our programs and our approach to child development because they went through it.

The above note is from a Tom Thumb Alumni that in itself is really nothing out of the ordinary. We have a number of alumni that have enrolled their children in Tom Thumb over the years. These kids are the second generation of Tom Thumbers. These parents have sent us thank-you notes in the past. We are grateful for the positive feedback and their recommendations and suggestions. In fact, as our thank-you to the alumni, if either parent was a Tom Thumb graduate, they receive a 10% tuition discount. We are honored to have these second-generation students, where one of the parents was a Tom Thumb student.

A bit more of a rarity and a special case is the few students that are the third generation Tom Thumbers. This is a situation where one of the grandparents and either the Mother or Father attended Tom Thumb. They have also thanked us. All of us at Tom Thumb are very thankful and also honored to have these third-generation students attend Tom Thumb.

But, the above Lena Family thank-you-note is a first. This is a thank you note, where both Mother and Father attended Tom Thumb — an extremely rare occurrence of  Tom Thumb students being married, having children, living in the area and their kid or kids attending Tom Thumb. What are the chances of something like this happen in the Lakeland School District?  If you know of any other families, where both parents are Tom Thumbers and they have a child attending Tom Thumb, please let me know by completing a comment for this blog article.

I guess the most improbable situation is where a third-generation Tom Thumber that has either grandparent or parents that the husband and wife are both Tom Thumb graduates.

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