Meet Thomas a Tom Thumb Graduate – College Bound

Meet Thomas a Tom Thumb Graduate – College Bound

Tom Thumb Graduate College Bound

“Thank you, Nancy, for his preschool foundation. You are always in our thoughts and hearts. Thomas is now in his senior year of high school. He is getting ready to attend Dartmouth University in August 2019.” paraphrased from information provided by Thomas’ Mother.


Thomas in the Past, Present, and Striving for the Future


Thomas tom thumb graduate

Thomas a Tom Thumb Preschool Graduate – Class of 2006

thomas a tom thumb graduate

Brother, Mom & Thomas

thomas tom thumb graduate today

Thomas ready for college life, 2019

Please Join Us in Congratulating Thomas and Wishing him Continued Success in Making his Dreams Real!

How Many are Tom Thumb Graduates?

How Many are Tom Thumb Graduates?

The answer is 13. Nancy Brophy and the Bride, Jessica Greene Stoke, are not Tom Thumb Graduates. All the others that appear in the larger picture below are Tom Thumbers that have graduated from 1990 through 1999.

tom thumbers at a wedding

From left to right: Raymond Stokes, Jon Wagner, Stefanes Marcopoulous, John Hagens, Christopher Hagens, Bridget Stokes, Alex DiMarco, Nicole DiMarco, Lucky McFadden, and Timothy Stokes. From the Bride, clockwise: Jessica Greene Stokes, Nancy Brophy, Lindsey Rutcofsky, Max Rutcofsky, and Jennifer Greene.

Timothy Stoke and Jessica Greene Stoke Wedding July 22, 2017

tom thumb graduate gets married

Nancy Brophy, Jessica Greene Stoke and Timothy Stokes

We salute Tom Thumbers everywhere as the Generation of Americans that will shape this world!

Thank You Note by Ingrid O

Thank You Note by Ingrid O

thank you note to tom thumb preschoolDear Mrs. Brophy,

I know you don’t like gifts but I wish I had something fabulous for you anyway. Nothing would express how grateful I am for you and your school and what you have done for my children over the past 5 years. Have a restful summer. See you next year with my last Tom Thumber, Patrick. He can’t wait!

You will always be one of the greatest people I know and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Many thanks, Ingrid O.

Cullen Malzo Hero

Cullen Malzo Hero

picture cullen malzo tom thumb graduate and hero of rescuing 2 girls

Cullen Malzo 2001 Tom Thumb Preschool Graduate

Cullen Malzo, Tom Thumb Graduate

Cullen Malzo, a 2001 graduate of Tom Thumb, is nothing short of a hero. After two teenage girls from Mahopac were involved in a car accident on Thursday, November 10, 2016, Cullen sprung into action. The accident left them trapped in their car, upside down in Lake Mahopac.

Cullen to the Rescue

Police said that 19-year-old Cullen Malzo was nearby when he heard the crash. He dialed 911 and ran to the scene. Without hesitation, Cullen ran into the murky water and quickly pulled the girls out of an open window. Thankfully, the girls only suffered minor injuries.

We Salute Cullen Our Local Hero

Cullen Malzo is just that kind of person; compassionate, confident and fearless. From a very young age, Cullen has exhibited these characteristics and his actions are nothing less than heroic. Our community is very proud of him. We all have such confidence and pride in our Next Generation of Great Americans, where Cullen Malzo is a remarkable example.

Tom Thumb Alumni in Olympics

Tom Thumb Alumni in Olympics

Meet Mohegan Lake’s Olympian, Melissa Gonzalez

Picture of Melissa-Gonzalez tom picture thumb preschool alumni in the Olympics

Previous Tom Thumb Preschool student is now in the Olympics

Melissa is Lakeland High School’s field hockey superstar. Melissa is going for the gold in Rio by competing as part of the USA Women’s Field Hockey team.The challenge is to be the best in the world. Read the entire article by clicking on our Tom Thumb Olympian.

Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note

Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note

thank you note

Tom Thumb Alumni Thank You Note from the Lena Family

 A Tom Thumb First

We receive many thank you notes from parents about the value of Tom Thumb and the terrific results of our program. We always appreciate the feedback and your praises.  We try to publish a few of these thank you notes when we manage to get them to our webmaster.

The above note is from a Tom Thumb Alumni, Mrs. Lena, thanking Mrs. Brophy for a wonderful school. It’s always a pleasure to hear from parents that are Tom Thumb Alumni. We believe they have a deeper understanding of our programs and our approach to child development because they went through it.

The above note is from a Tom Thumb Alumni that in itself is really nothing out of the ordinary. We have a number of alumni that have enrolled their children in Tom Thumb over the years. These kids are the second generation of Tom Thumbers. These parents have sent us thank-you notes in the past. We are grateful for the positive feedback and their recommendations and suggestions. In fact, as our thank-you to the alumni, if either parent was a Tom Thumb graduate, they receive a 10% tuition discount. We are honored to have these second-generation students, where one of the parents was a Tom Thumb student.

A bit more of a rarity and a special case is the few students that are the third generation Tom Thumbers. This is a situation where one of the grandparents and either the Mother or Father attended Tom Thumb. They have also thanked us. All of us at Tom Thumb are very thankful and also honored to have these third-generation students attend Tom Thumb.

But, the above Lena Family thank-you-note is a first. This is a thank you note, where both Mother and Father attended Tom Thumb — an extremely rare occurrence of  Tom Thumb students being married, having children, living in the area and their kid or kids attending Tom Thumb. What are the chances of something like this happen in the Lakeland School District?  If you know of any other families, where both parents are Tom Thumbers and they have a child attending Tom Thumb, please let me know by completing a comment for this blog article.

I guess the most improbable situation is where a third-generation Tom Thumber that has either grandparent or parents that the husband and wife are both Tom Thumb graduates.

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